2024-06-13 Maine Pops Concert Band Fills Seven Positions Following 2024 Band Elections

The Maine Pops Concert held elections for half of its board of directors during the band’s end-of-season general membership meeting. The band conducted elections in conjunction with the band’s June 12 rehearsal at Scarborough High School.

Board members serve for two years and lead a variety of committees that support the band’s administrative, logical, financial, and outreach efforts. As a means of maintaining continuity with the board, the band staggers its band board terms so that half of the board members are up for reelection each year.

Reelected to board officer positions were flautist Lily King as secretary, and bassoonist Christina McCarthy as venue coordinator. McCarthy also has the dual role on the board as the Maine Pops’ past president. Elected as at-large board members are saxophonist Danielle Capozza, flautists Patty Lawson and Nanci Goudey, clarinetist Jane Ross and trombonist Gretchen Ascher.

Both Ross and Ascher at new to the board, replacing percussionist Leslie Oullette and saxophonist Sue Niemoeller.

The terms of board members elected June 12 will expire on June 30, 2026.

The remaining members of the Maine Pops board include clarinetist Robert Swerdlow as president, flautist/percussionist Yvonne Wentz as vice president, and percussionist Laura Merten as treasurer. Also serving as at-large board members are trumpeter Steve Barrett, clarinetists Rick Wacksman, Kara Larochelle, and Kathye Martin, and saxophonist Gary MacWhinnie.

Band director David Watts serves as a non-voting member of the Maine Pops Board.