Maine Pops Concert Band Concludes Summer Season with Bath Performance

(Photo by Larry Langmore)

A very busy and productive Maine Pops summer concert season ended with a well-attended performance at Bath’s Library Park Gazebo on August 16 in Bath, ME.

An audio recording of the Bath performance is now available on line through the link in this paragraph. (Recording by Arthur McClanahan)

The Bath concert marked the band’s seventh summer performance of 2024. The season began with a small ensemble of musicians who performed in support of the U.S. Coast Guard’s regional change of command ceremony in June, Days later, the band performed at the R.B. Hall Festival in Bridgton, followed by concerts at Camp Ketcha (Scarborough), two Portland senior housing communities, and Portland’s Heseltine Park.

Our final summer concert program included the following 12 compositions:
Star-Spangled Banner
Amparito Roca
Motown Portrait
Veni, Vedi, Vici
I’m Shipping Up to Boston
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Gallant Seventh
Italian Festival
Dam Busters
The Rolling Stones on Tour
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Stars and Stripes Forever

The band now receives a nearly three-week break to recover, perform instrument maintenance, and prepare for the start of fall seasons rehearsals, Those sessions are tentatively slated to begin on Wednesday, September 4, beginning at 7 p.m. at Scarborough High School.

2024-08-14 Maine Pops Performs Make-Up Concert at Portland’s Heseltine Park

Although delayed a month due to thunderstorm activities on July 17, the Maine Pops Concert Band was able to return to Portland’s Heseltine Park to perform for residents of the Woodfords Corner Community.

There were no weather problems this evening, but the band did have to make a few modifications to the original program, dropping "Jupiter" from the evening event. However, David Watts added "A Joyful Fanfare" and "Amparito Roca" to the playlist for a fairly large audience that brought lawn chairs, a picnic dinner and ice cream from the vendor adjacent to the park.

This evening’s performance consisted of:
The Star-Spangled Banner
A Joyful Fanfare
The Gallant Seventh
A Motown Portrait
I’m Shipping Up to Boston
A Closer Walk with Thee
633 Squadron
The Rolling Stones on Tour
Amparito Roca
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Stars and Stripes Forever

The Maine Pops Concert Band will conclude its 2024 summer season with a performance at Bath’s Library Park Gazebo on Friday, August 16 at 6:30 p.m. Once completed, the band will take a two-week break before fall concert rehearsals begin in September.

Maine Pops’ Cape Elizabeth Concert Cancelled; Band to Perform at Portland’s Heseltine Park August 14

The Maine Pops Concert Band’s scheduled concert at the Cape Elizabeth Village Green on August 14 at 6:30 p.m. has been cancelled.

However, the band has replaced the Cape Elizabeth engagement by slating an August 14 concert through the Friends of Woodfords Corner community at Heseltine Park in Portland. The concert is a make-up engagement for a July 17 performance cancelled by lightning and thunderstorms. The concert will start at 6:30 p.m. and is a free performance.

The band is still on schedule to perform at the Bath Library Gazebo Park on Friday, August 16, at 6:30 p.m. The Bath concert will conclude the Maine Pops’ summer season and give the musicians a lengthy break before beginning fall season rehearsals on September 4.

Maine Pops Concert Band Performs for 100 State Street Senior Residents in Portland

The last of the Maine Pops Concert Band private concerts took place at the senior community center located at 100 State Street in Portland.

About 55 members of the concert band squeezed into the performance terrace to entertain residents who sat either in the complex courtyard or listened from their apartments. The band performed 11 compositions under overcast skies and the threat of circling seagulls.

Tonight’s program:

The Star-Spangled Banner
Where Eagles Dare
Just A Closer Walk with Thee
633 Squadron
Italian Festival
Victory at Sea
The Dam Busters
The Rolling Stones on Tour
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Shipping up to Boston
The Stars and Stripes Forever

The band will take a two-week break, returning to performance on Wednesday, August 14 with a 6:30 p.m. concert at the Cape Elizabeth Village Green in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.

July 17 Maine Pops Concert Band Performance at Heseltine Park Cancelled due to Incoming Thunderstorms

Due to the arrival of potentially hazardous thunderstorms entering the Portland area this evening, the scheduled Maine Pops Concert Band July 17 performance at 7 p.m. in Portland’s Heseltine Park has been cancelled.

The band regrets not being able to perform tonight in the Woodfords Corner community park for its residents and the Portland community. However, safety of the residents and the members of band is most important. The band thanks you for understanding.

No date for a potential rescheduled performance has been set at this time.

2024-07-10 Maine Pops Concert Band Conducts Annual Park Danforth Concert for its Residents

The Maine Pops Concert Band’s outdoor concert at the Park Danforth Community Center in Portland was moved indoors due to the threat of rain. No rain occurred, but given the high humidity and heat alert conditions through the day, it was best the band and its audience stayed indoors.

About 60 member of the Maine Pops preformed for the senior citizens’ community, again filling the summer program with many of its 2024 spring concert compositions during the 65-minute performance.

Where Eagles Dare
Just A Closer Walk with Thee
633 Squadron
Italian Festival
Victory at Sea
Dam Busters March
The Rolling Stones On Tour
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Gallant Seventh

The Maine Pops’ next performance will be held Wednesday, July 17 at Heseltine Park in Portland, beginning at 7 p.m. This is second of four public concerts the band will conduct this summer. Admission is free, and audience members are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, picnic dinners and a love for music.

2024-07-03 Maine Pops Concert Band Conducts Ketcha Outdoors Concert in Scarborough

It was called "Pops and Popsicles"- the first of the Maine Pops Concert Band’s private concerts held July 3 at Ketcha Outdoors in Scarborough.

The band performed a series of music from both its 2023 Fall Concert and its 2024 Spring Concert before a private audience of Ketcha Outdoors parents and children enrolled in Ketcha’s summer programs. In performing at Ketcha, tonight’s 70-member band also provided thanks to the staff for their year-round support as one of the band’s back-up rehearsal sites.

Music performed at Ketcha Outdoors included:

Star Spangled Banner
Where Eagles Dare
Shipping up to Boston
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Motown Portrait
The Rolling Stones On Tour
The Year 1812, Solemn Overture, Op. 49
Dam Busters March
Stars & Stripes Forever

The Maine Pops is conducting a private performance on Wednesday, July 10. It’s next public concert will be Wednesday, July 17 at 7 p.m. in Portland’s Heseltine Park.

2024-06-29 Maine Pops Performs at 2024 R.B. Hall Festival in Bridgton, ME

The first summer performance of 2024 for the Maine Pops Concert Band occurred this morning at the annual Robert Browne Hall (R.B. Hall) festival on June 29. The event was held at Stevens Brook Elementary School in Bridgton and hosted by the Bridgton Community Band.

The Maine Pops took the "stage" at 11 a.m. and performed a series of compositions taken mostly from the band’s spring concert held last April. Our 45-minute performance included:

Where Eagles Dare
The Rolling Stones on Tour (medley)
633 Squadron
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Dam Busters
Veni, Vidi Vici

Once the Maine Pops concluded their performance, many remained in place and were joined by musicians from the other community bands for a performance of R.B. Hall marches conducted by Dennis Harrington.

Eleven community bands participated in the event, held traditionally on the final Saturday of June – a day designated annually as Robert Browne Hall Day in the State of Maine.

2024-06-13 Maine Pops Concert Band Announces 2024 Summer Season Schedule

The summer season has arrived, and the Maine Pops Concert Band officially begins its 2024-2025 performance schedule with a series of concerts during June, July, and August.

Following a well-attendance performance of their 2023 Spring Concert at Scarborough High School on April 27, the band – which serves the greater Portland metropolitan area – will perform selections used during their 2023-2024 fall and spring concerts, plus one or two extra works for the 2024 summer season. Last year’s summer concert series was widely attended by audiences seeking live musical entertainment in their communities.

The band, under the direction of David Watts, is slated to perform in eight events during the summer concert series. Of the eight, four are private concerts being conducted in Portland and Scarborough in support of specific audiences and activities. Music for the concert is taken from the band’s fall and spring concerts, with extra compositions traditionally prepared and ready for concert performance.

The first of the four scheduled public performances will be held on Saturday, June 29 when the Maine Pops will join 10 other community bands for the annual R.B. Hall Music Festival being hosted this year at the Stevens Brook Elementary School in Bridgton, ME. The Maine Pops is scheduled to perform from 11 to 11:40 a.m. that day. In addition, some members of the Maine Pops will join musicians of the other bands at noon for a massed band performance of R.B. Hall marches.

R.B. Hall was a Maine-born march composer who is honored annually at the festival – traditionally held every year on the last Saturday in June. The event marks the second official R.B. Hall Festival since performances were halted for three years due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The band’s public performance schedule has two additional confirmed performances and one tentative date in the greater Portland area. The first of the two confirmed concerts is a return visit to Portland’s Heseltine Park on Wednesday, July 17, beginning at 7 p.m. On Friday, August 16, the band will travel to Bath to perform at the city’s Library Park Gazebo at 6:30 p.m. In addition, the band is working to conduct one additional public performance and will announce that place, date, and time when arrangements are completed.

All public concerts are free to attend, but the band will accept donations to cover administrative costs.

The Maine Pops Concert Band encourages musicians of all ages – from school-age to senior citizens, and of all abilities to foster a life-long love of music, music history, performance, and our shared heritage. The band provides opportunities for musicians to enhance their musical skills and knowledge and serve the social welfare of our communities through the study, performance, and presentation of concert band music. The band is currently recruiting musicians from the greater Portland area in its efforts to fill positions in the trombone, French horn, euphonium, and percussion sections.

Information regarding the summer schedule is available on the Maine Pops website at, or through its Facebook page at

For questions regarding the band’s summer events, contact

The Maine Pops is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit corporation. Contributions may be tax-deductible.

2024-06-13 Maine Pops Concert Band Fills Seven Positions Following 2024 Band Elections

The Maine Pops Concert held elections for half of its board of directors during the band’s end-of-season general membership meeting. The band conducted elections in conjunction with the band’s June 12 rehearsal at Scarborough High School.

Board members serve for two years and lead a variety of committees that support the band’s administrative, logical, financial, and outreach efforts. As a means of maintaining continuity with the board, the band staggers its band board terms so that half of the board members are up for reelection each year.

Reelected to board officer positions were flautist Lily King as secretary, and bassoonist Christina McCarthy as venue coordinator. McCarthy also has the dual role on the board as the Maine Pops’ past president. Elected as at-large board members are saxophonist Danielle Capozza, flautists Patty Lawson and Nanci Goudey, clarinetist Jane Ross and trombonist Gretchen Ascher.

Both Ross and Ascher at new to the board, replacing percussionist Leslie Oullette and saxophonist Sue Niemoeller.

The terms of board members elected June 12 will expire on June 30, 2026.

The remaining members of the Maine Pops board include clarinetist Robert Swerdlow as president, flautist/percussionist Yvonne Wentz as vice president, and percussionist Laura Merten as treasurer. Also serving as at-large board members are trumpeter Steve Barrett, clarinetists Rick Wacksman, Kara Larochelle, and Kathye Martin, and saxophonist Gary MacWhinnie.

Band director David Watts serves as a non-voting member of the Maine Pops Board.