Maine Pops Concert Band to Perform Annual Spring Concert April 27 in Scarborough

A travel itinerary that includes a musical journey to France, Scandinavia, Central America, the British Isles, Spain, perhaps a few stops in America and an intergalactic journey will be available to those attending the Maine Pops Concert Band’s 2025 Spring Concert.

“Let’s Travel,” a 90-minute adventure in music will occur on Sunday, April 27 at the Winslow Homer Center for the Arts, located within Scarborough High School at 11 Municipal Drive in Scarborough, Maine. The musical adventure will begin at 2:30 p.m., with doors opening at 2.

To provide a wide view of musical cultures, Maine Pops Director David Watts has selected a variety of compositions for performance. “I had a lot of fun choosing the repertoire for this concert,” said Watts. He said two pieces form the core – Finlandia and An American in Paris — have become standards for symphonic bands.

“I experienced playing this exact transcription of Finlandia when I was in high school,” said Watts, “Not only did it make me a lover of [Jean] Sibelius, but I became intrigued to learn more about Finland. That is what the music of this entire concert is about. While we all – band members and concertgoers alike – are present in a single space, music of various cultures and times is helping transport us to places around the world. Or even OUT of this world!

In addition to Finlandia and George Gershwin’s An American in Paris, the spring concert will feature music ranging from marches, a pair of classical works and a symphonic movie suite. These works include compositions by Brian Balmages; Michael Giacchino, Alexander Courage, and Gene Roddenberry; Ballard McDonald and James F. Hanley; Robert Sheldon; Dmitri Shostakovich; John Philip Sousa, and Carl Strommen.

Watts added that as the Maine Pops grows musically, there has been talk among the band about traveling and sharing our music with others. “Who knows? Perhaps we’ll find the opportunity to visit one or more of the places we ‘visit’ in this concert. Come along on the journey with us!”

The band is soliciting a recommended $15 donation per person to attend the spring performance. Students can attend free of charge.

Now in its 36th year, the Maine Pops has become one of the largest community concert bands in Maine. There are currently over 100 musicians registered to perform with the band during its 2024-2025 season. Most will be in performance on April 27 — the band’s first full concert since their December holiday engagement at the Westbrook Performing Arts Center in Westbrook, Maine.

For more information about scheduling, joining, contributing, or sponsoring the Maine Pops Concert Band, please visit

Maine Pops Concert Band to Perform Inaugural Small Ensembles Concert March 29 in Saco

A new entry into the performance schedule of the Maine Pops Concert Band begins March 29 when the band conducts its inaugural small ensembles concert on Saturday, March 29 at Saco’s First Parish Congregation Church at 12 Beach Drive in Saco, ME. The concert begins at 2:30 p.m. and will feature as many as nine ensembles, ranging from brass and woodwind quintets to a 20-member big band.

Participating in small ensembles is not strange to the Maine Pops, but there has been both a recent emphasis and an ardent desire by many Maine Pops musicians to expand their musical boundaries beyond the full concert band. The band has long had a woodwind quintet. In 2023, Maine Pops flautists formed a 10-to-12-member flute choir that plays pre-concert music and entertains at churches and community centers in the greater Portland area. Last February, the band formed the Mainely Swing Big Band – a traditional big band ensemble that held its debut last December.

“While participation in the Maine Pops Concert Band remains the primary focus for all musicians within the Maine Pops organization,” explained Director David Watts, “I am very hopeful that encouraging and supporting the formation of small ensembles provides additional performance outlets within our communities.”

Watts explained that as the organization has more than doubled in membership over the past five years, it is difficult for the concert band to serve the public’s desire for musicians to visit schools, retirement homes, and non-profits. In addition, he said that the level of musicianship continues to grow. “The concert band will always remain a teaching ensemble and the ‘face’ of the organization,” said Watts. “But playing in small ensembles challenges musicians in other ways that a concert band cannot. So, I see nothing but positive resulting from this venture – greater growth and participation for our members, and greater outreach to our communities.”

With the start of 2025, the small ensemble rehearsals began with practice sessions conducted inside the Scarborough High School music practice rooms, at homes, and in other community locations. Since January, the band has formed six additional groups:
● a brass quintet,
● a bass ensemble,
● a clarinet ensemble,
● a saxophone ensemble,
● a French horn ensemble, and
● a low brass ensemble.

Each of these groups is slated to perform a small program featuring music from a variety of genres, ranging from classical music quartets, show tunes, popular titles, and swing/jazz. Since this is an inaugural event featuring small groups, each ensemble will determine the number of selections they’ll perform, while also managing to allow all nine ensembles a chance to shine during the 90-minute window.

The band is soliciting a recommended $15 donation per person to attend the small ensemble performances. Students can attend free of charge.

Now in its 36th year, the Maine Pops – under the direction of Watts – has become one of the largest community concert bands in Maine. There are currently over 100 musicians registered to perform with the band during the 2024-2025 season. Most will perform on April 27, the band’s first concert since their December holiday engagement, at the Winslow Homer Center for the Arts at Scarborough High School, Scarborough, ME. That concert will also begin at 2:30 p.m.

For more information about scheduling, joining, contributing, or sponsoring the Maine Pops Concert Band, please visit

Maine Pops Concert Band Performs at Pre-Game Ceremonies with the Maine Mariners.

A 30-member ensemble of the Maine Pops – under the direction of David Watts – performed "God Bless America" and "The Star-Spangled Banner" in front an announced attendance of 4,929 Maine Mariners hockey fans during pre-game ceremonies inside Portland’s Cross Insurance Arena. It’s the first time that the band has performed for a hockey game since the East Coast Hockey League awarded a team to Portland for the 2018-2019 season.

The performance was well received by the fans in attendance; with a few approaching band members to express thanks for the performance. Sinead Scott, the Maine Mariners account executive who escorted the band into the arena, said "We had season ticket holders coming up to us saying they really enjoyed the performance which is always a great sign." Scott added that the Mariners would love to have the band again next season.

It was also great experience for those who performed, with most expressing interest in performing again at the arena, and at a Portland Sea Dogs game this coming summer.

Once the band completed its performance, most remained to watch the Maine Mariners defeat the Norfolk Admirals, 5-3 in an ECAC Northern Division match-up. The Mariners’ Jimmy Lambert notched a three-goal (hat trick) game, helping Maine earn a weekend split with Norfolk.

Maine Pops Concert Band Video and Audio of Holiday Benefit Concert Now Available

Video and audio recordings of the Maine Pops Concert Band’s 2024 Holiday Benefit Concert held December 15 at the Westbrook Performing Arts Center in Westbrook, Maine are now available.

The video recording of the concert is now posted to the band’s YouTube channel. The band thanks John Cranton of Scarborough’s Local Access Television for recording the performance. The concert has already aired on Scarborough Community Access Television (Channel 2) on Decemebr 23 and 26.

The audio recording has been available for about a week. Many thanks to the band’s Arthur McClanahan for providing the recording.

Maine Pops Concert Band Holiday Concert now slated for Westbrook Performing Arts Center on December 15

The sounds of the holidays will be ringing through the rafters of the Westbrook Performing Arts Center as the Maine Pops Concert Band will perform its annual holiday benefit concert on Sunday, December 15 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. This is a change in venue; the concert was previously announced to be held in Falmouth. Doors open at 2 p.m.

Proceeds from this year’s concert will benefit the Trauma Intervention Program of Greater Portland, ( and the Animal Rescue League of Greater Portland ( Pet Food Pantry. The recommended donation for the fundraising effort is $15 per person. Students are free to attend.

The band – under the direction of David Watts – has been rehearsing holiday music since November 6, and will present 12 compositions for the holiday audience. Compositions include a pair of Leroy Anderson’s classic works and two Chip Davis/Mannheim Steamroller holiday arrangements. The band will feature pieces from George Frederic Handel, Gustav Holst, David Lovrien, Evan Van Doren, and Robert Wendel. Other holiday arrangements include pieces by Eric Morales, Sammy Nestico, and Richard Saucedo.

Also scheduled is a pre-concert performance by the Maine Pops Flute Choir between 2 and 2:25 p.m. The ensemble plans six pre-concert pieces for patrons as they enter and settle in for the band performance and include works from Leroy Anderson, Sammy Cahn and Julie Styne, Irving Berlin, and James Lord Pierpoint. Many of the arrangements were adapted for flute choir by Patty Lawson, the Maine Pops Flute Choir lead.

Because of the growth in the Maine Pops Concert Band (nearly 100 musicians will perform) the band has had to move into a larger venue for its annual holiday benefit concert. The Westbrook Performing Arts Center, located at 471 Stroudwater Street in Westbrook, has a stage capable of holding the band, and a beautiful, two-tiered auditorium for the annual Christmas concert to raise funds for local causes during the holiday season. The band played its 2024 fall concert in Westbrook on November 3.

The holiday performance will be the last concert for the Maine Pops in 2024. Musicians will be taking an extended holiday break and resuming rehearsals on January 8, 2025, to prepare for the band’s spring concert on April 27. More details on the concert venue will be announced later.

For more information about the Maine Pops, please visit

The Maine Pops Concert Band is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit corporation. Contributions may be tax-deductible.

2024 Maine Pops Concert Band Fall Concert Audio Recording Now Available

The 2024 Maine Pops Concert Band Fall Concert performed November 2 at Westbrook Performing Arts Center in Westbrook, Maine, is now available on audio only.

Patrons may listen to a pre-concert performance by the Maine Pops Flute Choir, the enjoy the seven compositions directed by David Watts, the conductor of the Maine Pops Concert Band.

Audio is courtesy of Arthur McClanahan.

Maine Pops Conducts 2024 Fall Concert at Westbrook Performing Arts Center

The Maine Pops Concert Band completed its 2024 fall concert before a fairly large audience inside the Westbrook Performing Arts Center in Westbrook, ME on November 3, 2024.

Nearly 85 members of the Maine Pops performed seven compositions in its first performance since its summer concert at the Bath Library Gazebo in August.

In the concert program, Director David Watts wrote, "My inspiration for selecting our repertoire for this season came from people listening to music and making the comment, ‘What’s the name of that song? I can’t place where I’ve heard it before.’”

Watts emphasized to the audience the role of this fall concert. "Some music simply transcends understanding. It
moves our soul," said Watts. "It lives in the recesses of our minds and can bring us joy, sadness, or simply Transport us to another time or location. Let the pieces today transport you."

The band performed the following compositions:

Eighties Flashback (medley)
The Rakes of Mallow
Excerpts from Appalachian Spring
Summer of ’69 (medley)
Adagio for Strings
Light Cavalry Overture
Seventy-Six Trombones

The event opened with a pre-concert performance by the Maine Pops Flute Choir as patrons entered the center.

The next Maine Pops Concert will be its annual Christmas Benefit Concert, slated for Sunday, December 15 at Falmouth High School in Falmouth, Maine. Doors will open at 2 p.m. for a 2:30 p.m. concert.

Maine Pops Concert Band to Perform Annual Fall Concert November 3 in Westbrook

The colorful sight of fallen leaves on the often-damp streets and lawns of Southern Maine continue the transition from summer fun along the beaches to the anticipation of snow and colder weather. With the autumn chill comes the need for indoor entertainment as local music programs begin performances marking the fall and leading to the holiday season.

One of those local bands is the Scarborough-based Maine Pops Concert Band, which will perform their annual fall concert – “Great Composers – Greater Music” – on Sunday, November 3 at the Westbrook Performing Arts Center, located at 471 Stroudwater Street in Westbrook, Maine. The 90-minute performance begins at 2:30 p.m.

To celebrate the great composers, Maine Pops Director David Watts has selected a variety of compositions for performance in Westbrook. The fall concert features music ranging from marches to medleys and classical to popular music. These works include compositions by Leroy Anderson, Aaron Copland, Franz von Suppe, Meredith Willson, and Samuel Barber. Watts also selected a pair of medleys for audience members looking for a “flashback” to the 1960s and 1980s.

The band is soliciting a recommended $15 donation per person to attend the fall performance. Students can attend free of charge.

Now in its 36th year, the Maine Pops – under the direction of Watts – has become one of the largest community concert bands in Maine. There are currently over 100 musicians registered to perform with the band during the 2024-2025 season. Most will be in performance on November 3; the band’s first concert since their August engagement at the Library Park Gazebo in Bath, Maine.

For more information about scheduling, joining, contributing, or sponsoring the Maine Pops Concert Band, please visit

SAVE THE DATES: Maine Pops Concert Band Announces Concert Dates for 2024-2025 Fall, Holiday, and Spring Concerts

The Maine Pops Concert Band – based in Scarborough, Maine – has announced the dates for its fall, holiday, and spring concerts for its 2024-2025 season.

The 100-member community concert band will perform its fall concert on Sunday, November 3, its holiday concert on Sunday, December 15, and its spring performance on Sunday, April 27. All concerts will begin at 2:30 p.m. The band is working to establish venues for each of the concerts, based on concert facility availability. As soon as venues are confirmed, the band will announce further details.

After concluding a successful summer concert season with eight performances conducted throughout the greater Portland area, the Maine Pops returns to rehearsals on September 4 at Scarborough High School. The band rehearses every Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. at Scarborough High’s band room unless school requirements are scheduled.

As of September 2, nearly 100 musicians have renewed their commitment to the Maine Pops and more renewals are expected. Although membership is open to community musicians and does not require auditions, the Maine Pops is currently limiting recruitment to specific instrumental needs. Currently, the band needs oboists. If local musicians are interested in joining the Maine Pops, please contact band president Bob Swerdlow at

The Maine Pops is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit corporation. Contributions may be tax-deductible.

Maine Pops Concert Band Concludes Summer Season with Bath Performance

(Photo by Larry Langmore)

A very busy and productive Maine Pops summer concert season ended with a well-attended performance at Bath’s Library Park Gazebo on August 16 in Bath, ME.

An audio recording of the Bath performance is now available on line through the link in this paragraph. (Recording by Arthur McClanahan)

The Bath concert marked the band’s seventh summer performance of 2024. The season began with a small ensemble of musicians who performed in support of the U.S. Coast Guard’s regional change of command ceremony in June, Days later, the band performed at the R.B. Hall Festival in Bridgton, followed by concerts at Camp Ketcha (Scarborough), two Portland senior housing communities, and Portland’s Heseltine Park.

Our final summer concert program included the following 12 compositions:
Star-Spangled Banner
Amparito Roca
Motown Portrait
Veni, Vedi, Vici
I’m Shipping Up to Boston
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Gallant Seventh
Italian Festival
Dam Busters
The Rolling Stones on Tour
Battle Hymn of the Republic
The Stars and Stripes Forever

The band now receives a nearly three-week break to recover, perform instrument maintenance, and prepare for the start of fall seasons rehearsals, Those sessions are tentatively slated to begin on Wednesday, September 4, beginning at 7 p.m. at Scarborough High School.